Test Page for Gulp Template

All of the tests below should pass while viewing the page in your browser as a live app (after running "gulp") and as a finished build (after running "gulp build")

View this project on GitHub for more information.

Feature Tests

Sass and CSS

If Sass is compiling and CSS is loading successfully, then return "Yes" (or nothing if unsuccessful):

HTML Fragments

This text is being included via #include file="" directive.

This text is being included within an include.

Loading of Scripts

Custom jQuery is not working from script #1.

If clicking this text makes it disappear, then script #2 is loading.

After a build is created, both scripts above will be concatenated into one and should still work.

HTML Validation

The folowing image contains the validation error "sizes must not be empty" that will return in your terminal after running "gulp validateHTML":

[image containing validation error]


For screens that don't feature touch event capabilities, Modernizr is currently not presenting the "no-touchevents" class on the html element for use in styling alternatives to touch event features.

Background Images as Base64 within CSS

If the icons are appearing to the left of the text, then the images are successfully imbedded within the CSS as Base64:




Loading of Images

Images are loading from the directory /images if you see the image below: